The MacBook Pro is Apple's first attempt at the higher end laptop market, with a dual core processor. The MacBook Pro has amazing specs, as well as some pretty damn good bundled software.
The MacBook Pro was introduced in Steve Job's keynote speach at Macworld, 2006. It was the first Macontosh notebook ever to run on a Intel processor, as well as being the first to run on a dual-core processor.
The MacBook Pro has some amazing specs, even for a notebook. Running on a Core Duo processor, with up to 2.16 Ghz of speed per core, you can convert large video files, and play some good games with ease. The MacBook Pro can have up to 2 Gb of RAM, standard 1 Gb. It can have a 120 Gb HDD (80 or 100 Gb standard) and all models currently come with a 15.4 inch screen.
Unlike most notebooks, graphics are not one of the MacBook's weak points. The standard graphics card on the MacBook is the ATI Mobility Radon X1600, with 128mb or 256mb of dedicated video memory. These amazing grapics specs will give you the power you need to do all everyday tasks. You can also plug it into a TV using an optinal RCA adaptor.
The MacBook Pro's will not let you down on storage. With it's SuperDrive (CD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD-RW) and it's large 80 or 100 gigabite HDD, with options to upgrade to a larger 120 Gb HDD. Using it's USB 2.0 and FireWire 400 port, you can attach extra flash drives and hard drives.
The MacBook Pro is an amazing system if you want to chat. It comes with iChat AV (an Apple-made video, sound and text chat programme,) with support for many other common chat programmes (Yahoo and Skype are a few mentions.) But, the best chatting feature of the MacBook Pro is it's built-in iSight webcam above the screen.
The MacBook Pro has a strong focus on connectitivity. It has two USB 2.0 ports on it's side, on FireWire 400 port and built-in Airport Extreme (wireless networking.) It also has built-in Bluetooth 2.0+EDR for keyboards, phones, mice and PDA's, as well as a wired networking port.
The MacBook Pro comes with huge amounts of built-in software. The MacBook uses the state-of the art OS X Tiger (OS 10.4) with support for widgets and the like. It also comes with iLife '06, which is a suite of applications. These are iPhoto, a photo editor and orginisor, iDVD, a DVD creator, iMovie HD, a movie-editing application, iWeb, a web site\blog creator, iTunes, a free music-editing app and GarageBand, a music editor and podcast creator.
But if you want a larger screen, legend has it that Apple will relese a 17 inch version of the MacBook Pro soon.
In conclusion, the MacBook Pro is definitly the best Mac laptop on the market today, and maybe one of the best laptops on the whole market. With it's large bundles of included software, and some amazing specs, you will have many ways to enjoy the iLife!
1.83 Ghz Core Duo: $3200
2.0 Ghz Core Duo: $4000
By: link_the_windwaker
Tommorow: iBook G4
The PowerMac G5 is Apple's current pro level computer.The Power Mac G5 can have up to four processor cores (the only current PC (that I know of) that can have that many!) 16GB DDR RAM, up to two 500GB HDD's, which hold a terabite. All of the models have a SuperDrive with double-layer support.
The PowerMac has some amazing specs, even for the lower-end system. All models come with a dual-core processor (one has a quad-core, as mentioned.) The processor can have bewteen 2 Ghz and 2.5 Ghz (Steve Jobs said the system would reach 3 Ghz in 2004, but that has not occured.) It has 512 Mb of RAM and a 160GB HDD. All come with a SuperDrive (DVD-RW+DL DVD+RW+DL and CD-RW), one FireWire 800 port, two FireWire 400 ports, four USB 2.0 ports and two USB 1.1 ports (on keyboard.) Note that all of these specs are standard, and can be upgraded.
The Power Mac has a bundle of free software. The 64-bit version of OS X will allow you do everything you have to do! And, it also comes with iLife '06 with GarageBand, iDVD, iMovie HD, iPhoto and iTunes (which is free, and comes in a Windows version.)
The PowerMac also comes with a free keyboard and mouse, but it does not come with a monoter. The obvous choice would be the line of Apple Cinema Display's, but these cost lots too.
But, with all of these things in mind, is now really the right time to buy? Apple is making a move to Intel processors, and this will probably affect the PowerMac line very soon...
In short, the PowerMac G5 is one of the best workstation computers on the market today. Jump the whole dual-core craze and go strait to a quad-core. Sure, it may cost abit more, but you will feel the difference in preformance and speed. But, if you don't have the money, go for the iMac Core Duo.
PowerMac G5
Dual 2.0 Ghz, PowerPC G5: $3200
Dual 2.3 Ghz PowerPC G5: $4000
Quad 2.5 Ghz PowerPC G5 $5300
Well, you will need a moniter too:
Apple Cinema Display's:
20 inch Cinema Display: $1,250
23 inch Cinema Display HD: $2,100
30 inch Cinema Display HD: $4000
By link_the_windwaker Tommorow: MacBook Pro
At Macworld in 2006, Apple relesed the iMac Core Duo (reffered to as the "iMac in this article.) The iMac had dual core processors (up to 2ghz per core (i think)), 160gb or 250gb hard drives, four USB ports (two 2.0 ports at the back, two 1.1 on the keyboard.) One FireWire 400 port is also at the back. It comes pre-installed with iLife 2006 and OSX Tiger.
The iMac is probably one of the best systems at the below $2000 price point. The dual core 1.83 ghz processor, and ethernet and wireless ready, will mean that you can use it on most networks, wired and wireless. It also has Bluetooth 2.0+EDR (Echanced Data Rate.)
The iMac is also an excellent entertainment system, housing a video out port, a CD-RW\DVD-RW drive and Front Row (an interface for the entertaiment parts of the system.) With an additinal digital TV adaptor, you can watch and record TV on your iMac. It also comes with a free Apple Remote.
The unit is also network ready, with wireless compatability, and wired networking built-in.
Some other features of the iMac Core Duo are: A built-in iSight camera, Free Apple keyboard and mouse and all Intel based Mac's ship with iLife 2006 (with iPhoto, iMovie HD, iDVD, iWeb and Garageband.)
The iMac Core Duo is one of the best Apple desktops on the market at the moment. Priced at a very affordable point, and coming with alot of freebies, the Core Duo is a bargan in itself! If you have the money though, get the PowerMac G5, with a dual or quad core processor. But, it costs $4450 for the dual core model, and a 20 inch Cinema Display.
Pricing (In Australian dollars:)
17 inch, 1.8ghz, 160gb HDD model: $2000
20 inch, 2.0ghz, 250 gb HDD model: $2600
By link_the_windwaker Tommorow: The PowerMac G5 Quad
Sorry, but I have cancelled the "History of Mp3 players."
Reveiw of Apple iMac Core Duo