Saturday, December 24, 2005

Look at Freeware: Article 2

iTunes: This counts as "50-50" freeware. iTunes is free, but it is not avalable for Linux and it is not open source. iTunes comes for free on a CD with every iPod. Download iTunes.

Soldat: This counts as "near" freeware. You do'nt have to pay anything to use the base programme. But, you do get a nag screen at the beggining and you can only use the "defult" user. Soldat is a great shoot-em-up. Download Soldat.

Google Earth: Google Earth is a programme that most people use to explore the earth and find directions. Google Earth is free, but is not open source (i think.) Google Moon is simmilar to Google Earth, see the wiki article. Download Google Earth

Thunderbird: Thunderbird is an email and news\RSS client. It is free, can be used with any manjor OS and has a large community of fans. Thunderbird also has support for extensions and themes. Thunderbird is completly free, and can be downloaded here.

Skype: Skype is a free IM, VoIP and FTP client. Skype is most popular for it's VoIP part. Skype sounds like a normal telephone, and you can even buy add-on phones! If you want, you can pay to get "Skype In", a phone number that others can dial (ones without Skype, obvisiouly) to talk to you. Skype Out is the same, execept you can call normal people using skype. Download Skype.

Well, thats the Freeware series!

By link_the_windwaker

Tommorow: Merry Christmas to you all. I might post. It will probably be on the iPod I am getting.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Look At Freeware: Article One

Intorduction: Freeware is anything that is avalable for free over the Internet. It can have copyrights, but they must not be too restrictive. Note that freeware does not include abandonware or shareware. The software must be avalable to run on both Windows and Mac. If the develpers have plans, that is fine.

Part One (Click on the tiltle for a Wikipedia link)
Below: Firefox
Firefox: Firefox is one of the most widespread alternitive browsers, and is giving IE a run for it's money. Firefox has support for extensions and themes. Firefox 1.5 has already been reveiwed on this blog, so I do not need to go any further. Download Firefox.

: My Vurtiral Home (MVA) is a freeware home desing software. It is completly free. Fetures of MVA include the ablity to add contents and to find out your home and contents insurance (coming in '06). MVA is free, but you neet to pay $5 Australian postage and handling. MVA is only avalable in Australia. You can get a copy of MVA in the Jan 2005 edition of APC and in an issue of Better Homes and Gardens. Go tho the My Vurtiral Home web site.

Media Player Classic: Media Player Classic is a compact media player. It can play most formats, incuding DVD's (without a decoder!) RealPlayer formats and WMA's. Download Media Player Classic

: Videora Converter for iPod

Videora Converter(s)
Videora is a software, like BitTorrent that lets you download videos from the Net and watch them. Videora is not free (a trial version is avalable) but they have relesed some converter software, so you can convert any videos from your hard drive. Videora converter is avalable for PSP and iPod Movie\Video\Generation 5. Download Videora Converter

Just BASIC: Just BASIC is a software that allows you to programme in the BASIC programming lanuage. It is free. JBASIC is easy to use and comes with a tutural. Download JustBASIC

Get ready for five more freeware programmes tommorow!

By: link_the_windwaker

Tommorow: Part Two of our look at freeware

Reviw of Green Day: American Idiot

Note: This reviw I also wrote on the iTunes music store review system. I wrote it as king_for_a_day.

American Idiot is an amazing album. I could stop there, but there is alot more to talk about. American Idiot has a good range of songs, ranging from the punky American Idiot to the slow Bouelvard of Broken Dreams. It is good value for money, with two songs going for longer than nine minutes. The song has a storyline following the adventures of the charater Jesus of Surburbia.

American Idiot is the introduction to the album, with Jesus of Surburbia being the introduction for Jesus of Surburbia. Jesus of Surburbia ("Jesus") decides to move to the city (Holiday) and has a great time. He starts to feel alienated despite the City's croud (Bouelvard of Broken Dreams-Are we the Wailing.) He then takes on a dual personality as Saint Jimmy (St. Jimmy.) He soon turns to drugs due to the pressures of a dual personality (Give me Novacane.) Then, he meets Whatshername (She's a Rebel) and the start dating (Extraordiary Girl.) They brake up (Letterbomb) and after a hard September (Wake Me Up When September Ends) he goes back home (Homecoming.) He is then left with memories of the city, and if he stayed with Watshername (Whatshername.)

This album is fantastic. If you just buy a single\one song you are missing out on HEAPS. Buy the whole thing.

By: link_the_windwaker\king_for_a_day

Tommorow: Day one of our two day look at freeware.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The Vought F4U Corsiar

The Vought F4U Corsiar was one of the first, and best carrier-borne aircraft of all time. It was intally equipped with machene-guns and bombs, but bombs, rokets and cannon where soon added.

The Corsiar was intally deemed unsutible for carrier-bound operations, It was first flowen from land on Guadalcanal. The Navy took it on, and was the main fighter in the last year of the Pacific war. The Corsiar was also used by the Marines.

The Corsiar was used in the Korean War, as a ground attack aircraft and some knocked out MiG-15's!

The Corsiar was a stable workhorse, that was inportant to the final victory in the Pacific.

By link_the_windwaker
Tommorow: Review of Green Day- American Idot

Firefox reaches 1.5

Firefox, the alternative web browser by Mozillia, has reached 1.5. Firefox 1.5 has many improvements, both small and even smaller. Click on the image to get a bigger version.

Most of its improvements are improvements that are "under the surface." These improvements mostly are patches, to make it safer. One of the ones I have seen, is when you are at a site with an
RSS feed, you get a little symbol near it's URL.

Firefox has been well receved by the Net community, receving over 100,000,000 (one hundred million) downloads.

One of the best fetures of Firefox is it's extendabiliy. Firefox has many extensions avalable, such as:

Adblock: Block banner ads at their source
Google Toolbar for Firefox: The Google Toolbar for Firefox
Blooger comments: Post comments about a page to your blog
Answers: Right-Click on a word and get a defonition
FoxyTunes: Control a media player withen Firefox (includes: Windows Media Player, iTunes and WinAMP)
IE Tab: Veiw a page in IE inside Firefox!
ForcastFox: Gives you live RSS weather updates.

There are many more avalable.

Download Firefox at

By link_the_windwaker

The Vought Corsair

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The A-10 Thunderbolt II

The US Fighters Series has been cancelled.

Anyway, now more informal articles will be produced.

The A-10 Thunderbolt II
The A-10 Warthog is one of the best ever USAF anti-tank aircraft. After the USAF's exprence in Korea and Veitnam, they asked a company for a propose-desinged AT aircraft. The company designed the Warthog.

The Warthog was first used in the First Gulf War. They where used as a anti-tank aircraft. They took many Iraqi tank casuties and shot down 6 helicopters with air-to-air missiles. They took on a simmilar job in the Second Gulf War.

The A-10 is armed with a leathal depleted uranimum cannon, which can kill a tank in one shot, from over four miles away. The A-10 also can be armed with missiles, "dumb" bombs and "smart" bombs.
They are expected to leave USAF service in 2010, but with updating, they are going to be around for alot longer.

By link_the_windwaker

Firefox reaches 1.5. Reveiw of the programme and extenstions.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Misrable Failure

Hello, everyone. Sorry I have not been posting for about a month or so. Anyway, the tactic of "google bombing" has taken another victem, this time Bush himself. Bush comes up tops when you type in Misrable Fauilure into Google. Webmasters seem to have googlebombed his name!

Anyway, there has been a change at this blog. I am still continuing the article series, but I will have more news-related posts like this!