Note: This reviw I also wrote on the iTunes music store review system. I wrote it as king_for_a_day.
American Idiot is an amazing album. I could stop there, but there is alot more to talk about. American Idiot has a good range of songs, ranging from the punky American Idiot to the slow Bouelvard of Broken Dreams. It is good value for money, with two songs going for longer than nine minutes. The song has a storyline following the adventures of the charater Jesus of Surburbia.
American Idiot is the introduction to the album, with Jesus of Surburbia being the introduction for Jesus of Surburbia. Jesus of Surburbia ("Jesus") decides to move to the city (Holiday) and has a great time. He starts to feel alienated despite the City's croud (Bouelvard of Broken Dreams-Are we the Wailing.) He then takes on a dual personality as Saint Jimmy (St. Jimmy.) He soon turns to drugs due to the pressures of a dual personality (Give me Novacane.) Then, he meets Whatshername (She's a Rebel) and the start dating (Extraordiary Girl.) They brake up (Letterbomb) and after a hard September (Wake Me Up When September Ends) he goes back home (Homecoming.) He is then left with memories of the city, and if he stayed with Watshername (Whatshername.)
This album is fantastic. If you just buy a single\one song you are missing out on HEAPS. Buy the whole thing.
By: link_the_windwaker\king_for_a_day
Tommorow: Day one of our two day look at freeware.
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